


标题: 漂亮妹妹求助:谁有英文版G.813标准。  [查看完整版帖子] [打印本页]

时间:  2004-8-31 19:56
作者: lwz03202     标题: 漂亮妹妹求助:谁有英文版G.813标准。

时间:  2004-9-1 08:30
作者: Intel

SERIES G: TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS AND MEDIA, DIGITAL SYSTEMS AND NETWORKSDigital networks – Design objectives for digital networks
Timing characteristics of SDH equipment slave clocks (sec)
1        Scope                4
2        References                4
3        Definitions                5
4        Abbreviations                5
5        Frequency accuracy                6
6        Pull-in, hold-in, and pull-out ranges                6
6.1        Pull-in range                6
6.2        Hold-in range                6
6.3        Pull-out range                7
7        Noise generation                7
7.1        Wander in locked mode                7
7.2        Non-locked Wander                11
7.3        Jitter                11
8        Noise Tolerance                12
8.1        Wander Tolerance                13
8.2        Jitter Tolerance                16
9        Noise Transfer                18
10        Transient response and holdover performance                19
10.1        Short-term phase transient response                19
10.2        Long-term Phase Transient Response (Holdover)                21
10.3        Phase response to input signal interruptions                23
10.4        Phase discontinuity                24
11        Interfaces                24
Appendix I – Guidance on the relationship between network limits and input noise tolerances                25
I.1        Option 1 network limits                25
I.2        Option 2 network limits                25
Appendix II – Considerations on bandwidth requirements, noise accumulation, and payload wander accumulation                27
II.1        Introduction                27
II.2        Relevant network requirements and assumptions for option 1                27
II.2.1        G.825 STM-N jitter acceptance                27
II.2.2        Wander accumulation in a synchronization distribution chain                27
II.2.3        Phase transients due to automatic timing restoration                28
II.2.4        Conclusion                29
II.3        Relevant network requirements and assumptions for option 2                30
II.3.1        Clock bandwidth requirements                30
II.3.2        Network limit TDEV mask                30
II.3.3        Wander accumulation in a synchronization distribution chain                33

Recommendation G.813
(Geneva, 1996, revised in 2003)
1        Scope
This Recommendation outlines requirements for timing devices used in synchronizing network equipment that operate according to the principles governed by the Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH). These requirements apply under the normal environmental conditions specified for the SDH equipment. In normal operation SDH equipment contains a slave clock traceable to a primary reference clock. In general the SDH equipment clock (SEC) will have multiple reference inputs. In the event that all links between the master and the slave clock fail, the equipment should be capable of maintaining operation (holdover) within prescribed performance limits.
The SEC is part of the SDH equipment, the functions of which are specified in Recommendation G.783 as the Synchronous Equipment Timing Source (SETS). Slave clocks used in SDH equipment must meet specific requirements in order to comply with network jitter requirements for plesiochronous tributaries.
This Recommendation contains two options for the SEC. The first option, referred to as "Option 1," applies to SDH networks optimised for the 2048 kbit/s hierarchy. These networks allow the worst-case synchronization reference chain as specified in Figure 8.5 /G.803. The second option, referred to as "Option 2," applies to SDH networks optimized for the particular 1544 kbit/s hierarchy that includes the rates 1544 kbit/s, 6312 kbit/s, and 44 736 kbit/s. The synchronization reference chain for these networks is defined in Appendix II of this Recommendation.
An SDH equipment slave clock should comply with all of the requirements specific to one option and should not mix requirements between options 1 and 2. In the sections where one requirement is specified, the requirements are common to both options. It is the intention that options 1 and 2 should be harmonised in the future.
Careful consideration should be taken when interworking between networks with SECs based on option 1 and networks with SECs based on option 2.
This Recommendation defines the minimum requirements for clocks in SDH NEs. However, some SDH NEs may have a higher quality clock. This Recommendation allows for proper network operation when a SEC (Option 1 or 2) is timed from another SEC (like option), or a higher quality clock. Hierarchical timing distribution is recommended for SDH networks. Timing should not be passed from a SEC in free-run/holdover mode to a higher quality clock since the higher quality clock should not follow the SEC signal during fault conditions.
2        References
The following Recommendations and other references contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Recommendation. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All Recommendations and other references are subject to revision: users of this Recommendation are therefore encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent edition of the Recommendations and other references listed below. A list of the currently valid ITU-T Recommendations is regularly published. The reference to a document within this Recommendation does not give it, as a stand-alone document, the status of a Recommendation.
[1]        ITU-T Recommendation G.703 (2001), Physical/electrical characteristics of hierarchical digital interfaces.
[2]        ITU-T Recommendation G.783 (2002), Characteristics of Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) equipment functional blocks.
[3]        ITU-T Recommendation G.801 (1988), Digital transmission models
[4]        ITU-T Recommendation G.803 (2000), Architecture of transport networks based on the Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH)
[5]        ITU-T Recommendation G.810 (1996), Definitions and terminology for synchronization networks.
[6]        ITU-T Recommendation G.811 (1997), Timing requirements at the outputs of primary reference clocks suitable for plesiochronous operation of international digital links.
[7]        ITU-T Recommendation G.812 (1998), Timing requirements at the outputs of slave clocks suitable for plesiochronous operation of international digital links.
[8]        ITU-T Recommendation G.822 (1988), Controlled slip rate objectives on an international digital connection.
[9]        ITU-T Recommendation G.823 (2000), The control of jitter and wander within digital networks which are based on the 2048 kbit/s hierarchy.
[10]        ITU-T Recommendation G.824 (2000), The control of jitter and wander within digital networks which are based on the 1544 kbit/s hierarchy.
[11]        ITU-T Recommendation G.825 (2000), The control of jitter and wander within digital networks which are based on the Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH).
[12]        ITU-T Recommendation Q551 (2002),        Transmission characteristics of digital exchanges

3        Definitions
The terms and definitions used in this Recommendation are contained in Recommendation G.810.
4        Abbreviations
For the purposes of this Recommendation, the following abbreviations are used:
CMI        Coded Mark Inversion
FPM        Flicker Phase Modulation
MTIE        Maximum Time Interval Error
NE        Network Element
OAM        Operation And Maintenance
PLL        Phase Locked Loop
PRC        Primary Reference Clock
SDH        Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
SEC        SDH Equipment Clock
SSMB        Synchronization Status Message Byte
STM        Synchronous Transport Module
TDEV        Time Deviation
UI        Unit Interval
UTC        Coordinated Universal Time
WFM        White Frequency Modulation
5        Frequency accuracy
a)        Option 1
        Under free-running conditions, the SEC output frequency accuracy should not be greater than 4.6 ppm with regard to a reference traceable to a G.811 clock.
                NOTE – The time interval for this accuracy is for further study. Values of 1 month and 1 year have been proposed.
b)        Option 2
        Under free-running conditions, the SEC output frequency accuracy should not be greater than 20 ppm. Note that payload performance is not guaranteed for a fractional frequency deviation with a magnitude greater than 4.6 ppm. However, Operations and Maintenance (OAM) functionality shall be supported when a SEC is performing at the minimum accuracy.
6        Pull-in, hold-in, and pull-out ranges
6.1        Pull-in range
a)        Option 1
        The minimum pull-in range should be ±4.6 ppm, whatever the internal oscillator frequency offset may be.
b)        Option 2
        The minimum pull-in range shall be ±20 ppm, whatever the internal oscillator frequency offset may be.
6.2        Hold-in range
a)        Option 1
        The hold-in range for Option 1 is not required.
b)        Option 2
        The minimum hold-in range shall be ±20 ppm, whatever the internal oscillator frequency offset may be.
6.3        Pull-out range
a)        Option 1
        The pull-out range is for further study. A minimum value of ±4.6 ppm has been proposed.
b)        Option 2
        The pull-out range is not specified.
7        Noise generation
The noise generation of a SEC represents the amount of phase noise produced at the output when there is an ideal input reference signal or the clock is in holdover state. A suitable reference, for practical testing purposes, implies a performance level at least 10 times more stable than the output requirements. The ability of the clock to limit this noise is described by its frequency stability. The measures MTIE and Time Deviation (TDEV) are useful for characterisation of noise generation performance.
MTIE and TDEV are measured through an equivalent 10 Hz, first-order, low-pass measurement filter, at a maximum sampling time t0 of 1/30 seconds. The minimum measurement period for TDEV is twelve times the integration period (T = 12t).

时间:  2004-9-1 08:35
作者: Intel

时间:  2004-9-1 08:50
作者: 清风侠影

时间:  2004-9-1 12:43
作者: huhuhu

时间:  2004-9-1 13:17
作者: Intel

时间:  2004-9-1 15:18
作者: fallleaf

时间:  2004-9-1 18:07
作者: rghost

时间:  2004-9-1 19:02
作者: lwz03202

时间:  2004-9-1 19:04
作者: lwz03202

时间:  2004-9-2 13:03
作者: cuckoomoo

时间:  2004-9-2 20:54
作者: 一片方舟

以下是引用清风侠影在2004-9-1 8:50:00的发言:

时间:  2004-9-10 12:29
作者: lwz03202

时间:  2004-9-10 13:47
作者: lw416

俺也有好多资料呢, 中英文的, 看到玉照后交换吧.
时间:  2004-9-14 11:43
作者: china_eagle

时间:  2004-9-16 15:15

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
时间:  2004-9-20 18:15
作者: cuckoomoo

俺有标准集锦 要不要?最新版啊
时间:  2004-9-24 21:00
作者: lwz03202

时间:  2004-9-25 17:52
作者: 站的高尿得远

现在是个女人都说自己是 mm (谁叫男人一听到mm 就受不了呢^_^)

然后如果外貌没有伤害市容,就说自己是 PLMM ,sigh …………

我几个华为的哥们 看了 行政服务之窗 的公告,然后去和 PLMM 去相亲,呵呵,惨就一个字

楼住你有问题建议直接问,不要用 PLmm 作噱头

时间:  2004-9-25 17:54
作者: 站的高尿得远

我有完整版的几乎所有 ITU 建议,可以不能上传
时间:  2004-9-30 21:51
作者: lwz03202

    大家 要亮照,可以,我怎么发给你们呢
时间:  2004-10-31 16:51
作者: cuckoomoo

here: cuckoomoo@hotmail.com,hehe.look forward to your photos.Thank you
时间:  2004-10-31 16:58
作者: cuckoomoo

宠,就是多给些指教,对不对? 俺资历尚浅,资料有些的,信息也有些,互通有无,共同进步
时间:  2004-10-31 19:53
作者: tedhaha

ITU 2003年全部标准是有的,楼主想要是可以给的,就是标榜自己是PLMM这个性质好象不是很对头哦?
时间:  2004-11-14 00:29
作者: shengzy36

时间:  2004-11-18 18:14
作者: cuckoomoo

时间:  2004-11-28 10:47
作者: lwz0320

时间:  2004-12-8 11:14
作者: bt250

时间:  2004-12-8 12:32
作者: it6533

时间:  2004-12-28 10:37
作者: 莫须有


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