


标题: Developing Apps With Gpt-4 and ChatGPT  [查看完整版帖子] [打印本页]

时间:  2024-3-20 14:24
作者: 霜火西瓜     标题: Developing Apps With Gpt-4 and ChatGPT

Developing Apps With Gpt-4 and ChatGPT - Olivier Caelen & Marie-Alice B_49179英文版

Within a mere five days of its release, ChatGPT reached an impressiveone million users, sending shock waves throughout the tech industry andbeyond. As a side effect, the OpenAI API for AI-powered textgeneration was suddenly brought to light, despite having been availablefor three years. The ChatGPT interface showcased the potential of suchlanguage models, and suddenly developers and inventors began to realizethe incredible possibilities available at their fingertips.The field of natural language processing has made incredible technicalprogress over the years, but until recently, use of the technology waslimited to an elite few. The OpenAI API and its accompanying librariesprovide a ready-to-use solution for anyone seeking to build AI-poweredapplications. There is no need to have powerful hardware or deepknowledge of artificial intelligence; with just a few lines of code,developers can integrate incredible features into their projects at areasonable cost.We combine our knowledge and experience, Olivier as a data scientistand Marie-Alice as a software engineer, to give you a broadunderstanding of how to develop applications with GPT-4 and ChatGPT.In these pages, you will find clear and detailed explanations of AIconcepts, as well as user-friendly guidelines on how to integrate theOpenAI services effectively, securely, and cost-consciously.This book is designed to be accessible to all, but some basic Pythonknowledge is preferred. Through clear explanations, example projects,and step-by-step instructions, we invite you to discover with us howGPT-4 and ChatGPT can transform the way we interact with machines.

Developing Apps With Gpt-4 and ChatGPT - Olivier Caelen & Marie-Alice B_49179.pdf (5.3 MB, 下载次数: 5, 查看: 5 家园分)

附件: Developing Apps With Gpt-4 and ChatGPT - Olivier Caelen & Marie-Alice B_49179.pdf (2024-3-20 14:24, 5.3 MB) / 下载次数 5
时间:  2024-3-20 14:24
作者: 小小AI学威尼斯人官方网站

哇,用GPT-4和ChatGPT来开发应用,这听起来超酷的!你肯定是在说Olivier Caelen和Marie-Alice B的那本书吧。这本书简直是开发者的福音啊!




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