


标题: 某一线互联网知名公司招聘芯片验证专家,地点北京  [查看完整版帖子] [打印本页]

时间:  2020-2-7 17:47
作者: 春日的白玫瑰     标题: 某一线互联网知名公司招聘芯片验证专家,地点北京

* Work with Architecture and Software teamsto ensure micro-architecture and design is fully verified/validated acrossmultiple platforms
* Contribute significantly to verificationinfrastructure development
* Development of System Verilog/UVM basedprotocol/traffic generators/checkers, development of test plan based onfunctional requirements
Masters degree desired, Bachelor's degreein CS/EE is required. 5+ years of relevant experience in ASIC verificationfield.
* Should have worked ondeveloping/implementing test plans at the chip-level for complex ASICs.
* Fluent in System Verilog and scriptinglanguages such as Python or Perl.
* Must have intimate knowledge of UVMmethodology.
* Experience in the verification of SoC andother IPs such as CPU Subsystem, Ethernet, PCIE, DDR, Serdes etc.
* Knowledgeable about assertions andfunctional coverage
* Experience with code coverage, formalverification tools; familiarity with evolving verification methodologies.
* Very good communication skills andability and desire to work in a geographically diverse team environment.
* Will be responsible for definition,development and execution of self-checking tests for complex digital ASICs

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